
5. The Precompiler

5.1 Template Comments

Template comments are enclosed within {* and *}. Template comments are removed by the Precompiler from the final output and will thereby reduce the cached file's size.

5.2 Raw Areas

Raw areas are unparsed areas in the template. They start with {raw} and end with {/raw}. You can use them to surround for example javascript although this isn't really neccessary because commands consisting of multiple lines without of escaped new lines and commands with the first character being a space are ignored anyway.

5.3 INCLUDE Precompiler Directive

Precompiler directives look like normal commands but they star with an #. {#INCLUDE file_name.tpl} is replaced with the contents of file_name.tpl by the precompiler. Normally you should include other files by using a seperate template object and assign its output as a variable to a different template.

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